Magic Tree House로 초등영어 독서와 회화 한번에 -The Knight at Dawn
Magic tree house he Knight at Dawn로 원어민 선생님과 영어 단어뿐만 아니라 어떻게 사고력을 키우는지 알아 볼께요 ?
매직트리 하우스 시리즈는 마법의 시간여행으로 번역되어 학생들에게 익숙한 영어 책이기도 하죠.
그만큼 영어로 읽을때 부담을 덜 가지게 되지요
익숙한 영어 책으로 원어민과의 수업은 또한 부담이 적겠죠.
그럼 어떤 영어 단어들과 어떤 질문들을 이끌어 낼수 있는지 한번 살펴 볼까요
화상 수업시 원어민 선생님과 수업할때 원어민 선생님이 제공하는 써머리 입니다.
학생에게 먼저 써머리 과제를 주고 원어민 선생님께 제출하면 원어민 선생님이 써머리를 주어 비교해 볼수 있답니다.
Jack and Annie, after being bewildered with what had happened yesterday in the land of the dinosaurs, went back to the tree house.They saw a book about castles and turns to a page picturing a knight with a horse. Annie wished to go there and they arrived in front of a castle. She started to run and explore the place before Jack can even stop her. Inside, they heard some music and saw people having a feast. Unfortunately, a guard had a glimpse on them so they ran and hid inside a room full of armors and weapons. Jack accidentall made a noise while trying the helmet on causing the guards to catch them. Annie got a flashlight from her backpack and shone it tothem, telling them it was a magic wand. It helped them made a way to the castle’s moat where they encounter a mysterious knight on a horse. He lifts the children into the saddle and takes them back to the tree house where they wished to go home. When back, Jack saw a bookmark with letter M on it, which was very similar with the letter engraved on the gold medallion.
잭을 묘사하는 과정에서 잭이 얼마나 자신과 비슷한지 묻고 있네요
이렇게 주인공의 상황대처와 자신의 상황을 표현하는 연습을 꾸준히 하다보면 영어 단어 표현 능력 뿐만 아니라 사고력도 커지겠죠.
원어민 선생님 질문
Q: Describe Jack. How is he similar to you?
A: Jack likes to take down notes. He’s very observant about everything, putting down information on his notebook. He never lets anything slip his way. We’re very similar in every way because when I get curious about something, I always want to jot them down so I won’t forget them. Also, it’s an additional knowledge for me and I hold knowledge very dearly.
(so) look it up
full (sth) out
foggy : 안개낀
knight : 기사
feast : 연회
원어민 선생님 질문
Q. Why do you think Annie wanted Jack to see the real thing?
답변 예시
A. Real things look more exciting than in pictures no matter how colorful they are in the book. The texture, color, smell, etc. are more enticing and felt when you’re in front of a real one. Annie didn’t want Jack to miss the excitement seeing something in its genuine state.
peer through (sth)
split the air
moat : 해자 ( 성주위에 둘러싼 판 못) windmill : 풍차
원어민 선생님 질문
Q: Is curiosity dangerous? Why or why not?
답변 예시
A: Sometimes it is because we tend to know something that we ought not to and we enter situation that isn’t for us. But, if people aren’t curious at all, inventions won’t be made and progress/development won’t be felt. I believe that it depends on what a person is curious with. Most of the time people think it’s dangerous because we don’t have any clues on what that thing is. However, if we won’t try to know them, our eyes won’t be opened to what they really are. The danger starts on the decision that we’re gonna make at the end.
Fanfare : 팡파르
announce : ~를 발표하다
dash : 급히 달려가다
vanish : 사라지다
영어독서는 주인공의 상황과 나이 상황을 비교해 보므로 영어 단어뿐만 아니라 생각의 힘도 키워주죠
Magic tree house The Knight at Dawn로 원어민 선생님과 초등 영어 독서습관과 영어 말하기 쓰기 향상 시켜 봐요^^
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